
CHAMOMILE - Chamomile Flower Extract: A natural antiseptic that calms and soothes. Studies have shown that it reduces dryness, itching, redness and sensitivity in irritated and inflamed skin. Extract obtained from the flower heads. Chamomile Flower Oil: Oil made from the flowers of the plant Anthemis nobilis. It is one of the plants used to make chamomile tea. It is a fragrant skin conditioner that soothes the skin and acts as an anti-irritant. Found in: D2O Hydration Spray & Zap&Hide…

"Se vês beleza em algo
Não significa que há beleza ali.
Significa que há beleza enraizada 
tão fundo em ti,
que é impossível
não veres beleza em tudo"

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Flor de Papel

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